Coach with us!


In-person coaching sessions held in March and October each year.

All parents are welcome, this is an incredible opportunity to make a real impact on the children of our community and get them excited about being active and develop a love of the game!


How does the training work exactly?

Coach training is standardized and lead by Soccer Nova Scotia. The West Hants United Soccer Association requires all coaches to complete the Coaching Theory portion online prior to attending a Practical session in March or October. The club will reimburse costs upon successful completion of the online training and receipt of the completion certificate.

Theory - what to expect:

The link to the training courses is found here:

Please select the course aligned with the age group you intend to coach.

Practical - what to expect:


Practical training will be held in Windsor at the Sports Complex Field House on the turf with a representative of Soccer Nova Scotia who will break up the training by age group and provide paper copies of activities that challenge the age group in multiple ways; physicality, mental agility, and keeping kids moving and engaged in the activities. 
Once the coaching group understands the task they will be asked to demonstrate it to the entire group as if they were the players at a practice. The group then completes the activity under the demonstrating group's direction. The group will then be asked to make the activities more challenging by adding other obstacles and tasks to it, and so on.

Additional coaching training information can be found here:


How do I sign up?

The Theory portion can be completed any time. Please contact the Coaching Director, Garrett Garland in advance for more information and confirmation of reimbursement details:


When will the Practical sessions be held, and how do I sign up for those?

Sessions will be held in March and October of each year, with an announcement on Facebook, this website, and via email to anyone who has expressed interest and sent an email to the Coaching Director.




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